Movie Story: Agent South Indian is an action-packed spy thriller that follows a young aspiring RAW agent, Ricky, who is assigned a mission to infiltrate a powerful criminal syndicate led by a mysterious figure known as "The God." Ricky faces numerous challenges and risks his life to complete the mission while dealing with his emotions and relationships.
Quality: HD
Language: Telugu,hindi
Release Year: 2023
Category: Action, Thriller, Spy
Actors: Akhil Akkineni, Mammootty, Dino Morea, Sakshi Vaidya, Vikramjeet Virk
Description: Ricky, an aspiring RAW agent, is assigned a mission to infiltrate a criminal syndicate led by "The God." He faces numerous challenges and risks his life to complete the mission while dealing with his emotions and relationships.
SEO friendly keywords: Agent South Indian, Akhil Akkineni, Mammootty, Dino Morea, spy thriller, action movie, RAW agent, criminal syndicate, Telugu movie, 2023 release
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